
Is a nice smile about more than looking nice? Yes. A smile is a wordless expression anyone can use to

Feeling nervous about an upcoming dentist visit is common, but for some people, this can quickly turn into full-blown anxiety

Many people dream of straight, beautiful teeth without all the fuss. Finally, dental technology can deliver with Invisalign. There’s no

With the holidays looming, dental emergencies are quite common. Whether you have a tooth fall out while eating grandma’s peanut

Here are some basic questions and answers about dental and vision coverage. Q. Will I be required to buy pediatric

Many people do not realize they have gum recession. This condition is a very gradual progression in which the gum line

Teeth are prone to staining or becoming discolored for a variety of reasons, including smoking, improper dental hygiene and drinking

Dental health is just as important for children and their baby teeth as it is for adults. Children should ideally

Most people know to see the dentist twice a year, but it turns out that visits may be much more

After serving as a certified Invisalign provider for the past 3 years, Dr. Kristen Ritzau is pleased to announce that