
Dental bonding is a simple, non-invasive, affordable way to fix cosmetic imperfections. Cosmetic dental bonding is often used to replace small areas of missing tooth structure, such as in cases of chips or decay, or to hide minor tooth defects like discoloration and small gaps.

When performing dental bonding, your Mission Viejo or San Clemente cosmetic dentist applies a layer of tooth-colored, composite resin to the area of concern. The liquid material bonds with your enamel as it fills the tooth’s pores. Once the first layer is hardened with a curing light, your Shoreline dentist can paint on a second layer and cure it, repeating the process until the desired thickness is achieved.

The dentist wraps up the procedure by shaping the bonding material and polishing it so that it’s completely undetectable and blends in with your smile. The treatment is painless and there are no needles or drilling involved.

Cosmetic dental bonding is ideal for patients whose teeth have minor defects but aren’t severely decayed. Because we don’t need to remove any of the natural tooth structure to perform dental bonding, it’s perfect for patients who aren’t ready to commit to a permanent restoration like dental veneers. Our dentists may also recommend bonding for younger patients and teens who need to wait for their teeth to fully mature before getting a permanent restoration.