
During summer vacation, you can say goodbye to your workday routine and all your worries, but you should never neglect

We are constantly focusing on how to refine, refresh and rejuvenate our looks in a world that’s realistically stressful, straining,

For most teens, the idea of getting metal braces is about as appealing as chewing on tin foil. Traditional braces

Controlling plaque is key to fighting both tooth decay and gum disease. Plaque is the film that builds up on

If you are an adult with metal braces, Kristen Ritzau DDS has the perfect solution to help you get back

With Spring in the air and warm weather just around the corner many are in the mood for some good old fashioned Spring

Most people don’t like having to take time out of their day to make doctor’s office visits, but they are

Sedation dentistry is a technique used by dentists to relax and calm patients for dental procedures. During sedation, patients can

It is important to maintain good gum health, for a number of reasons. Gum disease affects one’s overall health, from

valentines-chocolate This Valentine’s Day, don’t forget to make dental cavity prevention a top priority! With all of that delicious candy