General Dentistry

At Shoreline Dental Studio we pride ourselves on offering a wide array of general dental services to provide our patients a comprehensive and convenient experience. Each patient receives an annual three dimensional Digital Dental Health Scan in conjunction with the X-rays that allows our team and doctors to provide a technologically advanced examination of the patients mouth. While also being a great diagnostic tool these scans allow us to evaluate any changes that may have taken place in the patients mouth year after year allowing us to address any potential issues at an early stage preventing patients from spending on more costly dental services and keeping them out of dental pain when possible. Shoreline Dental Studio offers a variety of solutions that cater to each individuals needs in helping to achieve their best and healthiest smile.

Cavities, chips, and fractures occur on any tooth surface throughout the mouth. Composite filling material provides a versatile solution to many common problems. Blended into a prepared area, the composite polishes to a smooth, undetectable surface.

Damaged teeth might seem hopeless, but there’s often still a solid foundation that leaves you with options. A crown, or cap, can bring a compromised tooth back to full function. And with modern porcelains, you’ll probably have a difficult time trying to find where the crown ends and the tooth starts.