
At Shoreline Dental Studio in San Clemente, CA, you’ll discover dental care at the highest level possible:

Technology, advanced training, and compassionate service blended perfectly together.

Our dentists carefully select technologies proven to deliver the finest experience to their patients. This means comfortable procedures and predictable results. A winning formula, you’ll find that contemporary dental care with Shoreline Dental Studio leaves you smiling.

A picture explains what words never can, especially when it comes to your teeth. Miniature LED cameras bring the details of our mouths to life in full color.

The Itero Digital Scanner eliminates messy impressions of your teeth, replacing them with simple digital images captured by a handheld wand. The images quickly appear on a computer monitor as 3-D models of your teeth. After a detailed review, the virtual models are sent via a secure connection to a lab for completion of your case.

When the soft tissue lining your mouth needs small corrections, lasers provide a gentle solution. Quiet but powerful light energy helps us solve numerous problems in a simple, quiet way.

Digital films with exquisite detail and dramatically reduced radiation exposure offer the ultimate in safety and diagnostic capability.