Distinctive Dentistry: Book Release Party and Book Signing

Distinctive Dentistry Book by Dr. Ritzau

After many months of hard work, we are excited to finally make our big announcement!

Dr Kristen Ritzau is proud to release her new book Distinctive Dentistry: Obtaining an Unparalleled Dental Experience and a Healthy Smile for Life.

Patients and public alike are invited to attend her Book Release Party and Book Signing on Wednesday May 30th at 6pm at Shoreline Dental Studio. Appetizers and drinks will be served to those in attendance and raffle prizes will be given away. The books, which retail on Amazon.com for $14.95, will be available for $10 each and Dr Ritzau will be available to sign copies for guests.

How Important is your Smile?

Is a nice smile about more than looking nice? Yes. A smile is a wordless expression anyone can use to connect. But at risk of stating the obvious, it’s nice to look nice. Enter cosmetic dentistry. In our book (and most other books, too) your smile is the hands-down most important part of your appearance […]